Botanical Name: Physalis peruviana
Other Names: Cape Gooseberry, Poha
Physalis seeds (pack of 15) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Garcinia mangostana
Other Names: Mangostan, Mangostanier, Semetah
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Botanical Name: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, C. Psoralioides
Other Names: Guvar, Gawaar, Cluster bean, Kotthavarai, Gokarakaya
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Botanical Name: Hibiscus esculentus
Other Names: Bhindi, Gumbo, Quingombó, Quiab
Okra seeds (pack of 20) - £1.90
Manila Tamarind
Botanical Name: Pithecellobium dulce
Other Names: Mitiambli, Mitiamli, Guayamochil, Guamachil
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Botanical Name: Moringa oleifera
Other Names: Saragwo, Horseradish tree, Drumstick Tree, Malunggay, Sajina, Nébéday
Moringa (pack of 6) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum
Other Names: Dhaniya, Cilantro, Kusbarah, Coriandro, Pak chi, Ketumbar
Coriander seeds (10g pack) - £1.30
Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum
Other Names: Methi, Bird's Foot, Greek Hay-seed
Fenugreek seeds (10g pack) - £1.30
Sugar Apple
Botanical Name: Annona squamosa
Other Names: Sitafar, Sitaphal, Seethaphal, Anon, Ata, Atamoya, Ates, Sakya, Srikaya, Sweetsop
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Botanical Name: Loofa acutangula
Other Names: Luffa, Ridged gourd, Turai, Jhingey, Patola, Silk gourd, Silk squash, Sing qua
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Botanical Name: Solanum melongena
Other Names: Eggplant, Bringal, Melongena, Berenjena, Katharikkaai, Baingan, Qiezi, Ringra
Aubergine seeds (pack of 30) - £1.30
Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus
Other Names: Daikon, White radish, Chinese radish, Mooro, Lobak
Mooli Seeds Promotion (Pack of 50) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Momordica charantia
Other Names: Bitter gourd, Bitter melon, Hanzal, Nigauri, Peria, Karawila, Balsamina, Foo gua
Karela (Bitter Gourd) Seeds (Pack of 10) - £1.90
Date Palm
Botanical Name: Phoenix dactylifera
Other Names: Dattier, Datil, Datteri, Tamara, Kharek
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Botanical Name: Emblica officinalis, Phyllanthus emblica
Other Names: Emblic, Indian gooseberry, Amlaki, Amala
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Botanical Name: Cyphomandra betacea
Other Names: Tree Tomato, Tomate granadilla
Tamarillo seeds (pack of 10) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Benincasa hispada
Other Names: White gourd, white pumpkin, Lauki, Cucuzza, Po gua
Dudhi seeds promotion (pack of 25) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Carica papaya
Other Names: Papaw, Pawpaw, Papaia, Mamão, Papaye, Lechosa
Papaya Seeds (Pack of 15) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Tamarindus Indica
Other Names: Ambli, Amli, Ampil, Tamarin, Tamarindo
Tamarind (pack of 10) - £1.90
Wood Apple
Botanical Name: Feronia Elephantum, Limonia Acidissima
Other Names: Koht, Elephant apple, Feronia elephantum, Feronia limonia, Monkey fruit or Curd fruit, Kaitha, Divul
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Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus
Other Names: Radish pods, Mogro, Mungori, Mongri
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Bora Berry
Botanical Name: Ziziphus spinosa
Other Names: Bor, Spiny jujube, Wild jujube, Sheizaf
Bora berry seeds (pack of 5) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Momordica dioica, M. cochinchinensis
Other Names: Spiny gourd, Teasle gourd, Kakrol, Kankro, Kartoli, Kantoli, Bhat korola
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Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola
Other Names: Starfruit, Balimbing Manis, Karamunga, Yang-tao
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Botanical Name: Psidium guajava
Other Names: Jaiphar, Guave, Goyave, Guayabe, Guaiava
Guava Seeds (pack of 10) - £1.90
Botanical Name: Punica granatum
Other Names: Darum, Dulim, Dalim, Grenade, Granada, Granato, Granatäpple
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Botanical Name: Passiflora edulis
Other Names: Granadilla, Parcha, Lilikoi, Matunga, Passionsblomma, Passiflore
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Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Other Names: Nispero, Nespola, Mispel, Wollmispel, Ameixa amarella, Amarela
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Botanical Name: Syzygium cumini, Eugenia jambolana
Other Names: Jambu, Jambool, Java plum, Jamun, Jamblang, Neredupandu, Indian blackberry, Duhat plum, Black plum
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